Business school had always been in the back of my mind. I know many people who have earned an MBA, and I’ve seen first hand the doors it opens.
As I began to research the path to an MBA for myself, I struggled to get excited. Why was it so expensive to attend business school when the information learned at business school was available on the internet? Is there another way to obtain what an MBA offers?
This inspired me to start building MyMBA. MyMBA is an alternative MBA program for a fraction of the cost. MyMBA is premised on three foundational points.
First, prestigious MBA programs share their courses online for free through Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). Second, the maturing internet and COVID-19 has created a greater acceptance of online learning and networking. Finally, driven people can prove that they have skills and expertise without formal credentials.
MyMBA brings together a group of driven professionals to experiment with the education of the future. MyMBA works as follows:
We take MBA level classes from prestigious MBA programs online for free.
We virtually meet biweekly with each other and business leaders (MyMBA Meetups).
We prove our learning from these classes on a personal website. We post projects, class notes, ideas, blog posts, presentations, and more.
We use our websites as a tool for networking online and applying for MBA caliber jobs.
MyMBA Meetups are essential to the MyMBA experience. During this time, we hold each other accountable to complete classes. We present our class projects to each other and discuss networking online, personal websites, business topics, and career goals.
In addition, we bring industry leaders called Industry Partners onto the Meetups to provide feedback, give career advice, tell their stories, and hold Members accountable in completing classes and progressing with the program. These Industry Partners are Executives, Founders, Principal Product Managers and more from JPMorgan, Amazon, Citi, Private Equity Funds, tech startups, and more.
We focus on advancing careers and learning applicable material to our specific career interests. We search for job openings Day 1 of MyMBA and tailor our experience to become the perfect candidate for these positions. We focus on building and creating to show others our skills rather than telling them.
MyMBA focuses on asymmetric payoffs. The upside is boundless - we can land an MBA caliber job and change our career trajectory. The downside is capped. We will not be suffocated by debt. The worst case scenario is we learn valuable MBA material from prestigious organizations, we make an online home, and we network with interesting people online.
MyMBA is built based on my experience taking MBA classes online, my experience building a website, and my experience networking online with this material.
As such, there are no gimmicks, no shortcuts, and no quick-fixes. MyMBA Members are all passionate about earning an MBA level education at a fraction of the cost. The first MyMBA Cohort has begun, and we are building a second cohort beginning October 21st.
If you're interested in joining the second cohort, enter your email on our website or email me at